1. General provisions and scope
C.I.T. Compagnia Italiana Torrefazione “Il Griso” owned by Balzan Claudia and Biscotti Antonio snc, informs the Customer that the relations between the Parties (i.e. between the Seller/il Griso and the Customer) concerning the sale of the products displayed on the website www.grisocoffee.com in the section called "shop" (hereinafter also "the website") are governed by the terms and conditions below.
Therefore, these General Conditions of Sale are an integral part of each individual offer, purchase order, order confirmation, or in any case transaction of the products on the website.
The updated version of the General Conditions is available on the website.
The Customer is exclusively the intended Consumer, as the natural person who acts on this website with purposes not related to his own business, entrepreneurial or professional activity, possibly carried out (in accordance with art. 1, co. 1, lett. a. D.Lgs. September 6, 2005, n. 206).
2. The Products on the Website
The Customer is informed and acknowledges that he/she will be able to find information about the main characteristics of the products on sale (for example, the list of ingredients), including their prices, on the website www.grisocoffee.com in the section called "shop" within each product information sheet.
3. Order of Products and Acceptance
In order to proceed with the purchase, the Customer must first register on the website www.grisocoffee.com/shop.
The purchase of the products is made only by order from the customer placed online through the website in the appropriate section called "shop" (hereinafter also "the order").
In particular, the Customer undertakes to fill in every part of the order form, indicating, among other things, the data necessary to identify himself, the products ordered, and the relative quantity, the place of delivery, and the methods of payment.
Before proceeding with the purchase of the products and then, before concluding the sending of the order, the Customer undertakes to carefully read these General Conditions, expressly declaring that they have been understood and accepted by marking the appropriate space on the website.
The Customer acknowledges that, once the online purchase procedure described above has been completed, he/she will have to verify the correctness of the provided data, correct any insertion errors and provide for the printing and/or storing a copy of the order.
By sending the order form duly completed, the Customer confirms that he knows and accepts the following General Terms and Conditions of Sale and the additional information contained on the website, also called through links, including the "Privacy Policy Note".
The confirmation of receipt of the order will be sent by the Seller to the Customer at the e-mail address indicated by the latter.
With this communication, Il Griso undertakes to summarize the order data (essential characteristics of the product ordered, the price and the payment method chosen, the methods and costs of delivery, and general contact details).
Such communication by the Seller is valid as acceptance of the contractual proposal formulated by the Customer through the order form filled in and sent through the website.
Il Griso undertakes to promptly inform the Customer, by e-mail, of any exhaustion of the products and to refund any price already paid by the Customer.
4. Payments terms and Conditions
The payment terms of the products displayed on the website www.grisocoffee.com/shop are as follows:
The prices shown on the website for each product are expressed in Euros, are VAT included and are valid at the time of the order by the Customer.
The total amount of the order is added to the shipping costs and in the case of delivery of products in a country other than Italy will be charged to the Customer also the costs due for any taxes, duties or taxes provided for by the law in force in the State of destination.
The tax documentation will be issued when the products are shipped to the Customer.
5. Delivery terms and shipping costs
The Seller undertakes to deliver, by courier of its own confidence (both for Italy and for the countries of the European Union and for countries outside the European Union), the products ordered by the Customer at the address indicated by the same in the order form.
The products will be sent by courier, excluding public holidays, as soon as we receive the confirmation of payment, except in cases of force majeure, unforeseeable circumstances, or in any case unforeseeable causes or not attributable to the Seller.
The products will be delivered by the courier exclusively to a natural person of legal age present at the address indicated by the Customer at the time of the confirmation of the order. If no one is present at the first access by the courier, the courier will make second access.
In case of failure to deliver the package also at the second access, the courier will contact the Customer by phone to agree on the delivery methods or will leave a written notice to the Customer with the instructions to proceed with the collection of goods at the indicated point of withdrawal.
At the moment of the delivery of the products by the courier, the Customer undertakes to verify the integrity of the package that is delivered to him.
The Customer is aware that if the package is damaged or an adhesive tape cut or not bearing the name "GRISO Italian Coffee Roastery" may refuse delivery with the express indication of "Altered Package".
The Customer is also required to verify the integrity of the products contained in the received package and in case of damage to the same must immediately report to the Seller, by writing to the following e-mail address: torrefazione.griso@gmail.com, in order to be able to obtain the replacement of damaged products.
The delivery costs of the products are charged to the Customer while for orders of more than €. 150.00= will not be applied any shipping cost.
The Customer can also opt for the pick up at our store in Seveso (MB). In this case, of course, no shipping costs will be charged.
The costs for the execution of all the required import formalities, which are assumed by the buyer, are expressly excluded, therefore all taxes related to the import in the country of destination must be collected through the buyer, respectively the recipient.
6. Products Replacement
The Customer may request the replacement of the received products, in case of their possible damage during transport, if he/she has carried out the control reserve indicated in paragraph 5 above. The Customer may exercise this right no later than seven (7) working days from the receipt of the products, under penalty of forfeiture, by sending an e-mail to the Seller at torrefazione.griso@gmail.com.
The Customer will return the damaged products and the Seller will undertake to send the replacement products to the Customer by means of its own courier without the charge of additional shipping costs.
7. Right of withdrawal - Products Replacement - Refund Procedure
The Customer has the right to withdraw from the Contract in question, without specifying the reason, within fourteen (14) working days from the day of receipt of the products, informing the Seller of the intention to withdraw by sending an e-mail to the address torrefazione.griso@gmail.com.
The Customer who has purchased may then return, at his own expense, the received products within fourteen (14) days of delivery, provided that they are intact and not used, even partially, in their original packaging and with the delivery package carefully opened and then closed or with a new package made by the Customer, suitable for transport, closed and not accessible.
The Seller undertakes to refund the sums already paid by the Customer as soon as possible and in any case no later than fourteen (14) days after the receipt of the goods returned by the Customer.
The shipping costs for the return remain the sole responsibility of the Customer.
If the terms and conditions for the exercise of the right of withdrawal are not respected, the Customer will not be entitled to the refund of the amounts already paid but may request, at his own expense, the return of the products in the state in which they were returned to the Seller.
The Customer acknowledges and is aware that he will not be able to exercise the right of withdrawal, for lack of the essential condition of integrity of the product (packaging or its content), in the cases where the original packaging containing the purchased product is missing or is damaged or essential elements of the Product are missing.
The Seller will contact the Customer, by e-mail, if his/her return cannot be accepted because it does not comply with the above conditions.
For more information on how to return the products, the Seller invites the Customer to contact him at the e-mail address torrefazione.griso@gmail.com or at the phone number.
8. Customer’s obligations
The Customer, aware of the criminal liability for false statements, declares to be a Consumer as described in paragraph "1. General provisions and scope" and provided by current legislation, to be of legal age and that the data provided by the same, for the implementation of these General Conditions of Sale, are correct and truthful.
9. Processing of personal data and Privacy
The Customer is informed and has read the information on the processing of personal data by clicking the following link "Privacy Policy".
The Customer acknowledges that the information contained in the above-mentioned document forms an integral and substantial part of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and is therefore considered by the same to be entirely known and accepted at the time of the transmission of the order.
10. Applicable law and Court of Jurisdiction
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are governed by Italian law with specific reference to the legislation on distance contracts and Legislative Decree no. 70 of 9 April 2003 and the Consumer Code D. Lgs. 6 September 2005 n. 206. Any and all disputes which may arise in connection with the application, interpretation, and enforcement of these Conditions shall be submitted to the court of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer if located in the territory of the State.
In any case, the Customer has the right to refer to a body for the settlement or mediation of disputes that may arise in relation to these General Conditions. For further information on this tool, the Customer may contact the Seller in the manner indicated in paragraph 11 below.
11. Customer Service and Communications
For all communications provided for in these General Conditions and in any case to request any information, the Customer may contact the Seller by e-mail at the following address: torrefazione.griso@gmail.com, or by telephone at the following number 0362 / 523807, or by post to the following address: C.I.T. Compagnia Italiana Torrefazione "Il Griso" di Balzan Claudia e Biscotti Antonio snc, Via Nicolò Tommaseo nr. 13, 20822 Seveso (MB).
The Customer also declares that he/she has taken a look, read carefully, understood, and specifically approved, pursuant to and for the effects of art. 1341 c.c. and D. Lgs. September 6, 2005 n. 206, the following clauses of these General Conditions whose title is listed only as an example: 3. Order of Products and Acceptance; 4. Payments terms and Conditions; 5. Delivery terms and shipping costs; 6. Products Replacement; 7. Right of withdrawal - Return of Products - Refund method; 8. Customer’s obligations; 9. Processing of personal data and privacy; 10. Applicable law and Court of Jurisdiction.